Research Article

Identification of Potential Calorie Restriction-Mimicking Yeast Mutants with Increased Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain and Nitric Oxide Levels

Figure 2

Chronological lifespan (CLS) analysis of potential CR genetic mimics. (a)–(d) Potential CR-mimicking high-NO mutants show extended CLS, and most do not significantly further increase the CLS of cells grown in CR. (c) Although CR further increases gup1Δ-induced CLS (gup1Δ versus gup1Δ, CR; ), gup1Δ does not further increase CR-induced CLS (CR versus gup1Δ, CR; ). (d) Although CR further increases hhf1Δ-induced CLS (hhf1Δ versus hhf1Δ, CR; ), hhf1Δ does not further increase CR-induced CLS (CR versus hhf1Δ, CR; ). One representative set of three independent experiments, each conducted in quadruplicate, is shown. Error bars denote standard deviations. WT: BY4742 wild-type control; CR: 0.5% glucose; Δ: gene deletion. Numbers on the -axes denote the number of days after entering stationary phase (nonmitotic state). Pairwise statistical analysis of CLS is shown in Supplemental Table 2.