Research Article

Is There a Reversal in the Effect of Obesity on Mortality in Old Age?

Table 2

Cox Regression Models Predicting Mortality at 20-year followup by BMI, and age.

Full sampleAge groups
75–84 year olds85–94 years old
CD and NH residentsCDCD and NH residentsCDCD and NH residentsCD

Age 1.055–1.081 1.052–1.080 1.044–1.105 1.043–1.105 1.025–1.100 1.025–1.107
Gender (male=1) 1.151–1.492 1.138–1.502 1.266–1.777 1.272–1.8131.093.887–1.3461.049.834–1.318

 East.857.722–1.017.874.729–1.048.972.777–1.2161.006.799–1.268 .559–.955 .533–.958
Years of education.995.983–1.008.996.983–1.010.997.980–1.015.999.981–1.017.992.974–1.011.993.972–1.015
Additional income.940.824–1.071.933.812–1.072 .711–1.003.858.718–1.0261.040.845–1.279.993.791–1.247
Had children .568–.868 .535–.863 .501–.861 .464–.835.791.554–1.129.780.506–1.204

Obese (>30)1.117.930–1.3421.091.898–1.326 1.026–1.639 1.036–1.683.944.703–1.268.854.616–1.185
Underweight (<22) 1.202–1.665 1.183–1.677 1.014–1.611 1.036–1.684 1.162–1.870 1.075–1.824
χ 2 ( )

CD= Community Dwellers; NH= Nursing Home; HR= Hazard Ratio= Exp (b); CI= Confidence Interval.