Research Article

Dynamic Associations of Change in Physical Activity and Change in Cognitive Function: Coordinated Analyses of Four Longitudinal Studies

Table 2

LBLS participant characteristics.

MeasureYear of testing
( 𝑁 = 5 4 1 )
Year 3
( 𝑁 = 2 7 5 )
Year 6
( 𝑁 = 1 4 0 )
Year 9
( 𝑁 = 9 4 )
M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)M (SD)

Retention from previous testing (%)50.850.967.1
Age73.6 (9.0)75.1 (8.5)75.1 (8.0)75.9 (7.1)
Education13.8 (3.0)13.9 (2.9)14.3 (2.7)14.2 (2.7)
Sex, female ( 𝑛 (%))258 (51)137 (50)71 (51)45 (48)
Reasoning22.5 (11.7)24.1 (11.4)25.4 (11.5)25.3 (10.7)
Fluency 32.7 (11.4)33.7 (11.2)33.6 (12.9)34.5 (11.8)
Memory11.4 (4.0)11.7 (4.3)11.5 (4.5)11.2 (4.8)
Semantic knowledge38.7 (10.1)39.6 (9.6)40.6 (8.8)39.7 (9.9)
Physical activity1.7 (1.0)1.6 (1.1)1.5 (1.0)1.6 (0.9)
Physical activity change0.0 (0.0)−0.2 (1.0)−0.4 (1.0)−0.4 (1.1)

M: mean, SD: standard deviation. The scoring ranges for each measure with a defined upper limit are as follows: education: 0−20, reasoning: 0−30, memory: 0−20, vocabulary: 0−36, physical activity: 0−4.