Research Article

Genome Mutation Revealed by Artificial Hybridization between Chrysanthemum yoshinaganthum and Chrysanthemum vestitum Assessed by FISH and GISH

Table 1

Crossability, seed germination, and seedling survival in F1 hybrids between in this study.

Cross combinationCh. Yoshinaganthum ( 2 𝑛 = 3 6 )  X  Ch. Vestitum ( 2 𝑛 = 5 4 )

Total number of heads26
Total number of florets used3696
Total number of fertile (aborted) achenes obtained970 (340)
% fertile of achenes obtained (%aborted)26.2 (9.2)
Total number of achenes sown in vitro 12
Total number of achenes sown in vivo 958
Total number of achenes germinated in vitro 14
Total number of achenes germinated in vivo 161
Total number of hybrids determined*/Total no. of live plants studied in vitro and (%)12/12 (100%)
Total number of hybrids determined*/Total no. of live plants studied in vivo and (%)74/74 (100%)

*Hybridity was determined by leaf morphology and/or chromosome numbers.