Research Article

Quantitative Reappraisal of the Helmholtz-Guyton Resonance Theory of Frequency Tuning in the Cochlea

Figure 10

A computational thought experiment recreating von Bekesy’s stroboscopic measurements of phase delays of putative traveling waves along the basilar membrane. (a) Periodic impulses (small rectangular pulses at 60 Hz) added to a continuous 1 kHz tone applied to an array of independent spring-mass-damper resonators mimicking the basilar membrane. (b) Left: apparent phase shifts with the spring-mass-damper system of Figure 4, determined by simulating von Bekesy’s stroboscopic method [22, 37]. (b) Right: absolute time delays in milliseconds from model simulations at left, compared with Bekesy’s experimental data from Figure  5 in reference [37]. Frequency independent absolute time delays were calculated as the phase delay in radians divided by (2π·frequency).