Review Article

Electronic and Spatial Structures of Water-Soluble Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Thiol-Containing Ligands Underlying Their Ability to Act as Nitric Oxide and Nitrosonium Ion Donors

Figure 2

Spectra EPR of 2.03 complex from the solutions of DNIC with cysteine, containing 14NO (a) or 15NO (b), DNIC with mercaptotriazole (c), or DNIC with cysteine containing 57Fe (d). Recordings were made at 77 K (left side) or at ambient temperature (right side). Right side: magnetic field scales are shown separately for EPR signal of DNIC with mercaptotriazole (c) and for EPR signals of DNIC with cysteine containing 14NO, 15NO, or 57Fe (a, b, d).