Research Article

Quality of Red Blood Cells Isolated from Umbilical Cord Blood Stored at Room Temperature

Table 1

Correlation between cord blood characteristics and cord RBC quality measures.

Cord RBC quality measureCord blood characteristic
Age of cord blood (hours) πŸ‘ 𝟎 . πŸ” Β± 𝟏 𝟎 . πŸ‘ Cord blood volume (mL) πŸ” πŸ’ Β± 𝟐 πŸ– Cord blood Hct (L/L) 𝟎 . πŸ‘ 𝟎 Β± 𝟎 . 𝟎 πŸ’ Baby’s genderBaby’s weight (g) πŸ‘ πŸ’ πŸ” πŸ– Β± πŸ’ πŸ— 𝟎 Cord blood collection siteHbF (%) πŸ— 𝟎 . 𝟏 Β± πŸ“ . πŸ– Cord blood  : CPD 𝟏 . πŸ– πŸ’ Β± 𝟎 . πŸ– 𝟎

ATP (ΞΌmol/g Hb) 𝟐 . πŸ• πŸ– Β± 𝟎 . πŸ” πŸ— βˆ’0.229 (0.241)0.337 (0.080)0.316 (0.109)βˆ’0.241 (0.216)0.042 (0.841)0.021 (0.914)0.177 (0.497)0.337 (0.080)
Hemolysis (%) 𝟎 . 𝟏 𝟐 Β± 𝟎 . 𝟎 πŸ’ βˆ’0.127 (0.505)βˆ’0.144 (0.448)βˆ’0.104 (0.590)0.055 (0.773)βˆ’0.085 (0.672)βˆ’0.013 (0.946)βˆ’0.358 (0.145)βˆ’0.144 (0.448)
MetHb (%) πŸ’ . πŸ” 𝟎 Β± 𝟏 . πŸ– 𝟎 0.098 (0.606)βˆ’0.143 (0.451)βˆ’0.236 (0.217)0.019 (0.919)βˆ’0.001 (0.995)0.032 (0.866)0.321 (0.194)βˆ’0.143 (0.451)
2,3-DPG (mmol/L) 𝟎 . 𝟏 𝟏 Β± 𝟎 . 𝟐 𝟎 βˆ’0.431* (0.017)βˆ’0.133 (0.484)βˆ’0.181 (0.346)βˆ’0.231 (0.220)βˆ’0.072 (0.720)0.019 (0.919)βˆ’0.342 (0.165)–0.133 (0.484)
Deformability 𝟎 . πŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ” Β± 𝟎 . 𝟎 πŸ‘ 𝟎 βˆ’0.119 (0.531)0.323 (0.081)0.392* (0.035)0.012 (0.951)0.254 (0.201)0.160 (0.397)0.668** (0.002)0.323 (0.081)
Rigidity 𝟏 . πŸ’ πŸ• Β± 𝟎 . πŸ‘ πŸ‘ βˆ’0.277 (0.138)0.010 (0.960)βˆ’0.093 (0.630)0.144 (0.448)βˆ’0.127 (0.529)0.225 (0.233)βˆ’0.375 (0.126)0.010 (0.960)
Microparticle events (%) 𝟎 . πŸ‘ Β± 𝟎 . 𝟐 βˆ’0.126 (0.540)0.031 (0.882)βˆ’0.240 (0.249)βˆ’0.200 (0.327)0.305 (0.156)βˆ’0.088 (0.668)0.145 (0.592)0.031 (0.882)
PS-positive RBCs (%) πŸ“ . 𝟐 Β± 𝟎 . πŸ— 0.008 (0.969)0.015 (0.938)βˆ’0.023 (0.910)βˆ’0.170 (0.388)βˆ’0.080 (0.705)0.193 (0.325)βˆ’0.084 (0.741)0.015 (0.938)
CD47-positive RBCs (%) πŸ— πŸ— . πŸ— Β± 𝟎 . 𝟏 βˆ’0.144 (0.465)βˆ’0.215 (0.271)βˆ’0.371 (0.057)βˆ’0.322 (0.095)0.014 (0.947)βˆ’0.236 (0.227)βˆ’0.309 (0.212)βˆ’0.215 (0.271)
PS-positive microparticles (%) πŸ” 𝟏 . πŸ‘ Β± 𝟏 πŸ– . 𝟐 βˆ’0.151 (0.461)βˆ’0.171 (0.404)βˆ’0.292 (0.157)0.084 (0.682)βˆ’0.125 (0.569)0.104 (0.612)βˆ’0.056 (0.836)βˆ’0.171 (0.404)
CD47-positive microparticles (%) πŸ– πŸ– . 𝟐 Β± 𝟐 πŸ’ . 𝟐 0.121 (0.557)βˆ’0.076 (0.713)βˆ’0.218 (0.295)0.105 (0.608)βˆ’0.209 (0.338)0.265 (0.191)0.137 (0.612)βˆ’0.076 (0.713)
MFI of PS on RBCs πŸ’ πŸ“ Β± 𝟏 𝟎 βˆ’0.086 (0.663)0.102 (0.606)βˆ’0.202 (0.313)βˆ’0.152 (0.440)0.093 (0.660)βˆ’0.222 (0.257)0.344 (0.163)0.102 (0.606)
MFI of CD47 on RBCs 𝟐 πŸ• πŸ’ Β± πŸ– πŸ‘ βˆ’0.129 (0.513)βˆ’0.033 (0.869)βˆ’0.105 (0.601)βˆ’0.071 (0.718)βˆ’0.070 (0.739)βˆ’0.107 (0.587)βˆ’0.070 (0.781)βˆ’0.033 (0.869)
MFI of PS on microparticles πŸ‘ 𝟐 πŸ’ Β± πŸ“ πŸ“ 0.135 (0.494)0.007 (0.972)0.155 (0.439)0.027 (0.892)0.035 (0.868)βˆ’0.164 (0.403)βˆ’0.137 (0.588)0.007 (0.972)
MFI of CD47 on microparticles πŸ• πŸ• πŸ” Β± πŸ‘ πŸ• 𝟎 βˆ’0.168 (0.394)βˆ’0.095 (0.632)0.097 (0.629)βˆ’0.080 (0.684)βˆ’0.118 (0.574)βˆ’0.136 (0.491)βˆ’0.344 (0.163)βˆ’0.095 (0.632)

The numbers in the table are correlation coefficients ( 𝑃 value in brackets), that show the strength of a relationship between two parameters. Coefficients between 0.3 and 0.5 represent a fair linear relationship, and coefficients between 0.6 and 0.8 represent moderately strong linear relationship. A +/βˆ’ sign before the coefficient indicates the direction of the correlation (positive or negative). The numbers in bold are mean Β± SD for each tested parameter. *Correlation is significant at 0.05 level, and **correlation is significant at 0.01 level. Hctβ€”hematocrit, HbFβ€”fetal hemoglobin, CPDβ€”citrate-phosphate-dextrose (anticoagulant), ATPβ€”adenosine triphosphate, MetHbβ€”methemoglobin, 2,3-DPGβ€”2,3-diphosphoglycerate, PSβ€”phosphatidylserine, and MFIβ€”mean fluorescence intensity.