Research Article

Moving Bed Gasification of Low Rank Alaska Coal

Table 2

Descriptions of the various reactor blocks used in the model.

ProcessReactor block usedDescription

Coal dryingRYieldSimulates coal drying by considering the moisture content in the proximate analysis of the coal. RYield reactor block is used when both the stoichiometry and kinetics data of the reaction are unknown.

Coal pyrolysisRYieldSimulates the coal pyrolysis process. Here, we specify the yield of the pyrolysis product using RYield reactor model.

Char decompositionRStoicChar decomposition is carried out in RStoic reactor block. RStoic block is used when the stoichiometry of the reaction is known, but kinetics data is unknown. RStoic block decomposes char into its constituents based on its ultimate analysis.

Char gasification and combustionRCSTRSimulates char gasification and combustion. Unlike the RYield and RStoic models, RCSTR block needs kinetics data for the reactions occurring in the reactor. Reactor volume, temperature, and reaction rates for all the reactions occurring in the reactor are required information.