Research Article

Promoting Early Presentation of Breast Cancer in Older Women: Implementing an Evidence-Based Intervention in Routine Clinical Practice

Table 2

Change in breast cancer awareness and confidence to notice a breast change.

Comparison service ( )PEP Intervention ( ) Crude odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
BaselineOne monthBaselineOne month

Breast cancer aware24 (2.9%)30 (3.9%)19 (4.2%)167 (37.7%)15.24 (10.0 to 23.2)
Knew five or more nonlump symptoms 457 (52.2%)461 (59.3%)244 (52.8%)373 (82.5%)3.26 (2.48 to 4.30)
Knew that risk of breast cancer increases with age70 (8.2%)59 (7.6%)66 (13.3%)247 (49.9%)15.39 (11.1 to 21.35)
Reported checking breasts at least once a month494 (57.0%)506 (64.5%)249 (50.3%)359 (78.7%)2.10 (1.61 to 2.73)
Knew lifetime risk of breast cancer (1 in 8)419 (49.2%)372 (47.8%)244 (50.2%)272 (60.4%)1.67 (1.32 to 2.10)
“Fairly” or “very” confident to notice change in breasts603 (69.6%)619 (78.8%)348 (70.7%)391 (85.6%)1.61 (1.19 to 2.19)