Research Article

Occurrence of Antibiotics and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Landfill Sites in Kumasi, Ghana

Table 2

A summary of retention time, method LOD, LOQ, LR, and SPE recoveries of antibiotics from leachate and soil samples.

AntibioticRetention time (min)Linear range (μg/mL)LOD (μg/mL)LOQ (μg/mL)SPE recovery efficiency (%) (leachate)

Amoxicillin7.8156.25–2000.0970.29537.92 ± 1.591
Metronidazole6.4606.25–2000.0030.01097.86 ± 10.886
Penicillin12.0946.25–2001.5654.74092.96 ± 5.908

LR, linear range; LOD, limit of detection; LOQ, limit of quantitation; SPE, solid phase extraction.