Research Article

Protective Effect of Nano-Vitamin C on Infertility due to Oxidative Stress Induced by Lead and Arsenic in Male Rats

Figure 1

Histological sections of seminiferous tubules prepared from different groups. C: control group; different levels of spermatogenesis cells regularly and without changes in necrosis; normal thickness of seminiferous tubules. As: severe decrease in the mean of different cells in the process of spermatogenesis in seminiferous tubules, and decrease in the diameter of seminiferous tubules. Pb: reducing the number of the different cells in the process of spermatogenesis and reducing the diameter of the lumen and seminiferous tubules. NVC: maximum presence of the different spermatogenesis cells and no sign of cell necrosis. As + NVC and Pb + NVC: increasing the mean of the different cells of spermatogenesis process and increasing the diameter of seminiferous tubules and necrotic cells. H&E (×400). Scale bar: 75 μm.