Research Article

Untangling RFID Privacy Models

Box 5

Ideal Functionality
(i) Upon receiving INITIATE  from   : if is corrupted then ignore this message. Else generate a unique
execution identification , record init and send init to the adversary.
(ii) Upon receiving ACCEPT   from the adversary: if there are two records init
and init where and are feasible partners, then remove them, record
partner and write output ACCEPT to . Else if there is a record
partner , then remove it and write output ACCEPT to .
(iii) Upon receiving IMPERSONATE   from the adversary: if there is a record init
and party is corrupted, then remove this record and write output ACCEPT to .
(iv) Upon receiving CORRUPT   from the adversary: if there is a record init or
partner such that is corruptible, then mark as corrupted and remove state .