Research Article

Crystal Structures of Ethyl 4-(4-Florophenyl)-6-phenyl-2-substituted-3-pyridinecarboxylates

Table 1

Crystal and experimental data of compound (I).

Formula: C20H15BrFNO2Formula weight = 400.252
Crystal system: orthorhombic = 1.523 Mg m−3
Space group:
Å = 0.00–26.4°
Å = 2.38 mm−1
Å = 298 K
Å3Needle (0.4 × 0.2 × 0.1 mm)
3568 observed reflections Colourless
= 0.034
Refinement on = 26.4°
Fullmatrix least squares refinement Criterion: > 3.00 sigma( )
(gt) = 0.037 (gt) = 0.021
(gt) = 0.021 = 0.76 e/Å3
(gt) = 0.983 = −0.86 e/Å3
2236 reflectionsOnly coordinates of H atoms refined
226 parametersCalculated weights sigma
0 restraints( / ) = 0.019