Research Article

High-Resolution Imaging of Dendrimers Used in Drug Delivery via Scanning Probe Microscopy

Figure 3

Visualization of indomethacin features from high-resolution STM images. (a) A 40 × 40 nm2 STM topographic image of G4 PAMAM-OH- - dendrimers immobilized on Au(111). The inset in (a) is a 5 × 5 nm2 high-resolution image of a single drug-loaded dendrimer from the same surface showing indomethacin features (red arrows) and a dendrimer intramolecular feature (blue arrow). (b) A 40 × 40 nm2 STM topographic image of G4 PAMAM-OH- dendrimers immobilized on Au(111). The 6 × 6 nm2 inset is a bare dendrimer, where only intramolecular features are visible (blue arrows). All STM images were acquired at 0.3 V and 20 pA. The color scale is normalized to reflect the apparent height range of 0.00–0.85 nm.