Research Article

Maternal Enterovirus Infection during Pregnancy as a Risk Factor in Offspring Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes between 15 and 30 Years of Age

Table 2

Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for developing type 1 diabetes (dependent variable in logistic regression) when controlling for mother’s age, gender, interaction gender* IgM-positivity and IgM-positivity in offspring.

95.0% CI for

Gender ( , )0.8650.5070.0882.380.88–6.42
Gender*IgM-positive (0/1)−1.5561.0220.1280.210.03–1.56
Mother's age−0.0200.0440.6510.980.90–1.07
IgM-positive (0/1)1.5320.6820.0254.631.22–17.6

B = regression coefficient of logistic regression elog (OR)SE = standard error for BOR = .