Clinical Study

Investigating Endothelial Activation and Oxidative Stress in relation to Glycaemic Control in a Multiethnic Population

Table 2

Mean 2,3-dinor-8-iso-prostaglandin-F1α in White European and South Asian ethnic groups.

N Meana valueb
2,3-dinor-8-iso-prostaglandin-F1α  nmol/mmolcreatinine
(95% confidence interval)
White European South Asian

Unadjusted2029.03 (8.32, 9.80)11.04 (9.85, 12.38)0.005
Adjustedc1728.46 (7.71, 9.29)10.36 (9.09, 11.79)0.021

aEstimated using linear regression on log-transformed values, and reported as back-transformed means.
bThe value showing the difference between the two ethnic groups was estimated using linear regression.
cAdjusted for age (continuous), gender (male, female), smoking status (non-smoker, ex-smoker, current smoker), weight (continuous), HbA1c (continuous) and medication use at point of data collection.