Research Article

Mild Cognitive Impairment and Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Patients with Diabetes: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Comorbidity

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetic elderly patients.

All subjectsType 2 diabetes with MCIType 2 diabetes without MCIType 2 diabetes with depressive syndromeType 2 diabetes without depressive syndromeType 2 diabetes with MCI and depressive syndromeType 2 diabetes without MCI and depressive syndrome

Number of patients27687 (31.5%)189 (68.5%)82 (29.7%)194 (70.3%)25 (9.1%)251 (90.9%)
Male/female127/149 34/5393/9615/67112/82#4/21123/128
Age (years)73.6 ± 4.875.7 ± 4.672.6 ± 4.6*74.4 ± 5.073.2 ± 4.778.0 ± 5.373.1 ± 4.5
Education years11.3 ± 2.49.7 ± 1.8 12.0 ± 2.2*11.2 ± 2.411.3 ± 2.39.5 ± 1.711.5 ± 2.3
Marital status: single/married127/149 (46.01%)45/4282/10758/2469/125#21/4106/145
Current smoking 19 (6.88%)6 (6.89%)13 (6.87%)13 (15.8%)6 (3.09%)#4 (16%)15 (5.97%)
Had ever smoked 93 (33.7%)26 (29.8%)67 (35.4%)47 (57.3%)46 (23.7%)#14 (56%)79 (31.4%)
Lack of physical activity (%)105 (38.04%)26 (29.88%)79 (41.79%)57 (69.51%)48 (24.74%)#14 (56%)91 (36.25%)
Duration of DM2 (years)8.69 ± 6.2311.25 ± 6.297.51 ± 5.85*10.83 ± 6.727.78 ± 5.8#12.8 ± 6.238.28 ± 6.09
BMI (Kg/m2)29.9 ± 3.6730.4 ± 3.5929.6 ± 3.6832.03 ± 3.629.02 ± 3.32#31.8 ± 3.229.7 ± 3.6
HbA1c (%)7.24 ± 0.687.73 ± 0.717.01 ± 0.54*7.35 ± 0.777.19 ± 0.648.02 ± 0.687.16 ± 0.63
CHOL (mmol/L)10.3 ± 2.18 10.31 ± 2.210.29 ± 1.7111.59 ± 2.199.75 ± 1.93#10.75 ± 2.110.25 ± 2.18
LDL (mmol/L) 6.06 ± 1.676.01 ± 1.646.08 ± 1.736.93 ± 1.83 5.69 ± 1.5#6.54 ± 1.896.01 ± 1.68
TG (mmol/L) 9.65 ± 2.2310.59 ± 2.689.22 ± 1.84*9.82 ± 2.49.58 ± 2.1611.33 ± 2.639.48 ± 2.12
HDL (mmol/L) 2.5 ± 0.51 2.3 ± 0.62.67 ± 0.42*2.52 ± 0.472.57 ± 0.532.15 ± 0.452.59 ± 0.5
 Insulin 130 (47.1%)42 (48.2%)88 (46.5%)60 (73.2%)70 (36.0%)# 19 (76%) 111 (44.2%)
 OAD222 (80.4%)71 (81.6%)151 (79.8%)66 (80.4%)157 (80.9%)20 (80%)212 (84.4%)
 Previous CVD 109 (39.5%)71 (81.6%)38 (20.1%)*33 (40.2%)76 (39.17%)23 (92%)86 (34.2%)
 Stroke14 (5.07%)7 (8.04%)7 (3.7%)7 (8.53%)7 (3.6%)5 (20%)9 (3.58%)
 Previous HA or use of HA drugs 213 (77.17%)80 (91.95%)138 (73.01%)*60 (73.17%)153 (78.86%)21 (84%)192 (76.49%)
 Hyiperlipidemia218 (78.9%)81 (93.1%)132 (69.8%)*76 (92.6%)142 (73.2%)#24 (96%)194 (77.3%)
Microvascular complication
 Retinopathy 121 (43.8%)61 (70.1%)60 (31.7%)*35 (42.6%)86 (44.32%)18 (72%)103 (41.0%)
 Nephropathy 97 (35.1%)43 (49.4%)54 (28.5%)*27 (32.9%)70 (36.08%)11 (44%)86 (34.26%)
 Neuropathy56 (20.2%)20 (22.9%)36 (19.04%)33 (40.2%)23 (11.8%)#10 (40%)46 (18.4%)
 Co-morbidity ()4.66 ± 3.117.07 ± 3.223.55 ± 2.33 *6.43 ± 3.073.91 ± 2.81#9 ± 2.82 4.22 ± 2.79
 Hypoglycemia 117 (42.3%)60 (68.9%)57 (30.1%)*60 (73.1%)57 (29.3%)#22 (88%)95 (37.8%)
 MoCA score25.6 ± 3.0721.6 ± 1.527.4 ± 1.3*26.01 ± 3.225.5 ± 2.921.8 ± 1.725.9 ± 2.9
 GDS-30 score6.8 ± 6.57.2 ± 6.26.7 ± 6.615.9 ± 2.83 ± 2.7#16 ± 2.75.9 ± 6.07
 Katz BADL score4.96 ± 0.25 ± 0.24.96 ± 0.24.96 ± 0.15 ± 0.24.96 ± 0.24.96 ± 0.2
 Lawton IADL score7.9 ± 0.18 ± 0.17.9 ± 0.077.9 ± 0.18 ± 0.077.96 ± 0.27.9 ± 0.08

, comparing participants with MCI and those without MCI, #, comparing participants with depressive syndrome and without depressive syndrome, and , , comparing participants with MCI and depressive syndrome and without MCI and depressive syndrome.
DM2: diabetes type 2, OAD: oral antidiabetic drug, CVD: cardiovascular disease, HA: hypertension, BMI: body mass index, MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale, BADL: Basic Activities of Daily living, and IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.
The Student -test, Mann-Whitney test, or Chi-square test was used to test for significant differences.