Research Article

P38 Plays an Important Role in Glucolipotoxicity-Induced Apoptosis in INS-1 Cells

Figure 4

Effect of GLU+PA treatment on IRS-2 expression. INS-1 cells were cotreated with 30 mM glucose and 0.2 mM palmitate. Cells were collected at 0-, 24-, 48-, 72-, and 96 h after treatment. (a) The relative mRNA levels of IRS-2 were measured. The value obtained in 0 hr was considered as 1. The data was based on three independent experiments. *Comparing to control (0 h), (ANOVA). (b) The cell extracts were analyzed by 10% SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting with antibodies against IRS-2. -actin was used as a loading control. (c) The bars represented densitometric values normalized by -actin. The value obtained in 0 hr was considered as 1. *Comparing to control (0 h), (ANOVA).