Clinical Study

Effectiveness of a Nurse-Managed Protocol to Prevent Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes

Table 4

Measures to prevent in-hospital hypoglycemic events during subcutaneous insulin treatment, with particular attention to ensuring the recommended intake of carbohydrates in the diet.
(a) Make sure patients eat the expected amounts of carbohydrates in each meal and if they do not eat the whole carbohydrate ration, propose substitutive food with similar carbohydrate content. The following table gives some examples of food containing carbohydrates, easily found in the ward.

CarbohydratesType of foodAmount

10 gRusks10 g (2 rusks)
Breadsticks15 g (4 breadsticks)
Yogurt250 g (2 jars)
Milk200 g (1 cup)

(b) If the patient has no appetite or repeatedly eats only part of the food, give prandial insulin at the end of meal in relation to the amount of carbohydrates eaten, according to the following table.

Carbohydrate intake with mealPrandial insulin to be given at the end of the meal

100%Prescribed dose
50%Half the prescribed dose

(c) If examinations or procedures requiring fasting are planned, do not give prandial insulin at the missed/skipped meals but start the infusion of a glucose solution following the following table until the patient can resume oral feeding.

Patient’s sex and height20% glucose solution in a central vein10% glucose solution in a peripheral vein of good caliber5% glucose solution in a peripheral vein of small caliber

F 160 cm16 mL/h32 mL/h64 mL/h
F 160 cm
M 175 cm
17 mL/h35 mL/h70 mL/h
M 175 cm19 mL/h39 mL/h78 mL/h

The hourly infusion speed of glucose solution is calibrated to provide in 24 hours half the daily carbohydrate requirement set by the diet.