Review Article

Population-Based Studies on the Epidemiology of Insulin Resistance in Children

Table 1

Search strategies.

DatabaseSearch strategy

PubMed(“Insulin Resistance”[Mesh] OR insulin resistan[tiab] OR insulin sensitivity[tiab] OR (resistan[tiab] AND insulin[tiab]) OR metabolic syndr[tiab])
(“Prevalence”[Mesh] OR prevalence[tiab] OR “Incidence”[Mesh] OR incidence[tiab])
(“Child”[Mesh:noexp] OR “Adolescent”[Mesh] OR “Puberty”[Mesh:noexp] OR “Minors”[Mesh] OR Pediatrics[MeSH:noexp] OR child[tiab] OR children[tiab] OR child care[tiab] OR childhood[tiab] OR child[tiab] OR childc[tiab] or childr[tiab] OR childh[tiab] OR adoles[tiab] OR boy[tiab] OR boys[tiab] OR boyhood[tiab] OR girl[tiab] OR girls[tiab] OR girlhood[tiab] OR junior[tiab] OR juvenile[tiab] OR kid[tiab] OR kids[tiab] OR minors[tiab] OR paediatr[tiab] OR pediatr[tiab] OR prepubert[tiab] OR pre-pubert[tiab] OR prepubesc[tiab] OR pubert[tiab] OR pubesc[tiab] OR school age[tiab] OR schoolchild[tiab] OR teen[tiab] OR teens[tiab] OR teenage[tiab] OR youngster[tiab] OR youth[tiab] OR youths OR Primary school[tiab] OR Secondary school[tiab] OR Elementary school[tiab] OR High school[tiab] OR Highschool[tiab])

Embase(prevalence/ or incidence/ or (prevalence or incidence).ti,ab.)
(insulin resistance/ or insulin sensitivity/ or metabolic syndrome X/ or (resistan and insulin).ti,ab. or insulin sensitivity.ti,ab. or metabolic syndr.ti,ab.)
(child/ or boy/ or girl/ or hospitalized child/ or school child/ or exp adolescent/ or adolescence/ or puberty/ or pediatrics/ or (child or children or child care or childhood or child or childc or childr or childh or adoles or boy or boys or boyhood or girl or girls or girlhood or junior or juvenile or kid or kids or minors or paediatr or pediatr or prepubert or pre-pubert or prepubesc or pubert or pubesc or school age or schoolchild or teen or teens or teenage or youngster or youth).ti,ab. or youths.ti,ab. or Primary school.ti,ab. or Secondary school.ti,ab. or Elementary school.ti,ab. or High school.ti,ab. or Highschool.ti,ab.)

Cochrane((prevalence or incidence)
((resistan and insulin) or insulin sensitivity or metabolic syndr)
(child or children or child care or childhood or child or childc or childr or childh or adoles or boy or boys or boyhood or girl or girls or girlhood or junior or juvenile or kid or kids or minors or paediatr or pediatr or prepubert or pre-pubert or prepubesc or pubert or pubesc or school age or schoolchild or teen or teens or teenage or youngster or youth or youths or Primary school or Secondary school or Elementary school or High school or Highschool)).ti,ab.