Research Article

Exposure to Common Food Additive Carrageenan Alone Leads to Fasting Hyperglycemia and in Combination with High Fat Diet Exacerbates Glucose Intolerance and Hyperlipidemia without Effect on Weight

Figure 6

Systemic and colonic measures of inflammation. (a) KC increased following carrageenan, both alone and in combination with HFD after 50 weeks of exposure (; ). (b) Fecal calprotectin increased in carrageenan alone and in HFD + carrageenan (, ), but not in HFD alone. (c) Serum IL-6 and MCP-1 were significantly increased following carrageenan and HFD + carrageenan, compared to control and HFD alone in adipose tissue (), muscle (), and liver (; per group). IL-10 was significantly increased following HFD and HFD + carrageenan (; one-way ANOVA with Tukey-Kramer posttest; per group). HFD = high fat diet; CGN = carrageenan; KC = keratinocyte-derived chemokine.