Research Article

In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Metformin on Osteopontin Expression in Mice Adipose-Derived Multipotent Stromal Cells and Adipose Tissue

Figure 4

The morphological changes of ASCs after 24 and 72 hours in the cultures treated with 1 mM ((e) and (f)), 5 mM ((i) and (j)), and 10 mM ((m) and (n)) of metformin in comparison to the control cultures ((a) and (b)). The graphs provided are representative, showing characteristic features of investigated cultures. The ASCs cultures were characterized by the presence of small (representative indicated with thin arrows) and larger cells (representative indicated with thick arrows). Actin cytoskeleton was visualized using atto-488 phalloidin (green-stained cell bodies), while nuclei were visualized with DAPI stating (white dots). Apoptotic bodies occurred in cultures were indicated with yellow arrowheads, while dead cells were indicated with white arrowheads. Dead cells identified with propidium iodide are red-stained, while caspase-3 positive cells are green-stained. Magnification used is 50x, and scale bar is 200 μm.