Research Article

Fiber in Diet Is Associated with Improvement of Glycated Hemoglobin and Lipid Profile in Mexican Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Table 6

Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI95%) derived from a multivariate logistic regression model to identify the risk of an inadequate HDL-c.

ORCI95% value

Total energy (kcal)
Dietary fiber (g/day)
Years since diagnosis
 <5 years (reference)1
 5–10 years1.460.80–2.620.211
 >10 years1.130.60–2.120.701
Pharmacologic treatment
 Oral hypoglycemic drugs (reference)1
 Oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin1.010.45–2.240.930
 No drugs 1.830.48–6.900.369
Education in diabetes
 Yes (reference)1
 Male (reference)1
Fats (g/day)1.0181.00–1.030.046
Saturated fats (g/day)
 1.18–18.20 1
Physical activity
Peso Kg1.0171.00–1.030.042

Inadequate HDL-c (<40 mg/dL in male and <50 mg/dL in female), odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI95%). Calories, dietary fiber, fats, and saturated fats are presented in tertiles.