Research Article

Hyperglycemia Does Not Affect Iron Mediated Toxicity of Cultured Endothelial and Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells: Influence of L-Carnosine

Figure 3

Ectopic expression of the human serum carnosinase-1 in HUVECs did not abrogate the protective effect of carnosine (a). The ability of the constitutive amino acids of carnosine, that is, β-alanine and L-histidine, to protect HUVECs against iron mediated toxicity was tested (b). Although L-histidine was slightly protective when iron concentration was 150 μM, protection was clearly less compared to L-carnosine. No protection was afforded by β-alanine. Recombinant carnosinase activity was attenuated by the presence of 300 μM FeCl3 (c). CN: carnosine.