Research Article

Combined Microencapsulated Islet Transplantation and Revascularization of Aortorenal Bypass in a Diabetic Nephropathy Rat Model

Figure 1

Microencapsulated islet transplantation and revascularization of aortorenal bypass. (a) Isolated and purified islets (×40). (b) Microencapsulation of islets. (c) Vascular reconstruction between left renal artery and abdominal aorta. (d) The vascular graft had blood flow, and microcapsules were distributed in the abdominal cavity and wall in the Com group (4 weeks after transplantation). LRA, left renal artery; LRV, left renal vein; GV, graft vessel; AA, abdominal aorta; MI, microencapsulated islets.