Research Article

Alcohol Consumption Is a Risk Factor for Lower Extremity Arterial Disease in Chinese Patients with T2DM

Table 2

OR (95% CI) of LEAD in participants according to alcohol use.

n (%)Model AModel BModel C
OR (95% CI)OR (95% CI)OR (95% CI)

Alcohol use
 No (reference)9 (7.6)111
 Yes21 (17.6)2.62 (1.15–5.99)2.61 (1.09–6.23)2.75 (1.11–6.80)
Alcohol consumption
 No (reference)9 (7.6)111
 ≤8 U/day14 (15.7)2.28 (0.94–5.54)1.95 (0.76–5.02)2.07 (0.78–5.54)
 >8 U/day7 (23.3)3.72 (1.26–11.01)6.33 (1.89–21.15)6.35 (1.78–22.65)
for trend0.0120.0040.005
Alcohol use duration
 No (reference)9 (7.6)111
 ≤20 years8 (15.1)2.17 (0.79–5.99)2.25 (0.86–5.90)2.41 (0.88–6.60)
 >20 years13 (19.7)3.00 (1.21–7.45)3.40 (1.13–10.23)3.48 (1.09–11.15)
for trend0.0170.0150.019
 No (reference)111
 Alcohol consumption (U)1.06 (1.00–1.12)1.10 (1.03–1.18)1.11 (1.04–1.19)
 No (reference)111
 Alcohol use duration (years)1.03 (1.01–1.06)1.02 (0.99–1.04)1.02 (0.99–1.05)

Model A: crude model; model B: adjusted for age, gender, region, and occupation; model C: adjusted for age, gender, region, occupation, smoking status, BMI, WC, and T2DM duration.