Research Article

Meprin Metalloprotease Deficiency Associated with Higher Mortality Rates and More Severe Diabetic Kidney Injury in Mice with STZ-Induced Type 1 Diabetes

Figure 6

(a) Representative immunoblot for the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKA C) in cytosolic kidney protein fraction; (b) representative immunoblot for p-PKA C in cytosolic-enriched kidney proteins. Proteins were extracted from kidney tissue at 18 weeks post-STZ injection and fractionated into cytosolic- and BBM-enriched fractions using differential centrifugation. Western blot analysis using anti-PKA C and p-PKA C-specific antibodies coupled with optic densitometry were used to quantify the PKA C protein levels. The levels of the 42 kDa PKA C protein isoform (a) were significantly higher in kidneys from diabetic mice, but there were no significant changes in the levels of the 57 kDa isoform. The levels of the 42 kDa p-PKA C increased while the levels of the 57 p-KCA isoform decreased for both genotypes. , .