Research Article

Predictors of Effectiveness of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

Table 2

Characteristics of the participants at baseline.

CharacteristicsPatients on the aGLP-1, Reference range

Age (years)27-75 (57.1)NA
Diabetes duration (years)NA
Body mass (kg)NA
BMI (kg/m2)<25
WC (cm)
 Men125.0 (116.0; 148.0)<90
 Women116.0 (104.8; 132.5)<84
НbA1c (%)<6.5
Glucose fasting (mmol/l)3.3-6.1
C-peptide fasting (ng/ml)0.78-5.19
C-peptide after test (ng/ml)>9.9 (↑ on >50% from baseline)
НОМА-β (%)35.7 (24.5; 61.0)≥100
TC (mmol/l)<4.5
HDL (mmol/l)
 Men1.01 (0.79; 1.13)>1.0
 Women1.07 (0.8; 1.3)>1.2
LDL (mmol/l)<1.8
TG (mmol/l)1.9 (1.5; 3.2)<1.7
SBP (mm Hg)<140
DBP (mm Hg)<85

Min-max (mean age). 2 hours after breakfast in the meal tolerance test.