Research Article

The Kansei Design Characteristics towards Learning Style

Table 9

(a) Correlation between learning styles (perception and input dimensions) and cognitive alert styles. (b) Correlation between learning styles (SI2; SI9; VV2; VV10) and cognitive alert styles (Q5).



Q5: other people think
I’m unorganizedI organize things wellTotal

Sensing—Intuitive 2 (SI2)
If I were a teacher, I would rather teach a course
 that deals with facts and real-life situations264773
 that deals with ideas and theories42327


Sensing—Intuitive 9 (SI9)
I consider it higher praise to call someone


Visual—Verbal 2 (VV2)
I prefer to get new information in
 pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps295483
 written directions or verbal information11617


Visual—verbal 10 (VV10)
For entertainment, I would rather
 watch television275077
 read a book32023


Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2 tailed).