Research Article

Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection: Comparative Evaluation in Scenes with Diverse Complexity

Table 5

Correlation coefficient and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic between empirical and theoretical CDF of the Mahalanobis distance and the condition number of global .

Name Preprocessing Correlation KS statistic Condition number of

CAM None 0.937 0.579
SB0.984 0.295
KDR0.993 0.178
KDR (5 kcp)0.892 0.540

OSLO1 None 0.999 0.049
SB0.997 0.093
KDR0.999 0.049
KDR (5 kcp)0.973 0.251

BJO None 0.986 0.278
SB0.973 0.343
SQRT + SB0.992 0.188

OSLO2 None 0.979 0.336
SB0.961 0.409