Research Article

On Asymptotic Analysis of Packet and Wormhole Switched Routing Algorithm for Application-Specific Networks-on-Chip

Algorithm 5

Input: n, stores Number of parallel processing NoC.
Source, a NoC type array, stores the Source NoC Numbers a part of NoC structure.
Destination, a NoC type array, stores the Destination NoC Numbers a part of NoC structure.
Payload, a part of NoC structure that holds the data generated as Source NoC.
Output: Payload.
Initialize global variable
  Set graph =
  busy 6 =
  success 4 =
(2)Form a class packet
    PUBLIC header 2 : INTEGER
    PUBLIC flit 4 : INTEGERs:
  METHOD: PUBLIC packet()
     flit 0 = 0
     flit 1 = 0
     flit 2 = 0
     flit 3 = 0
  End class packet
  packet p 4
(3)Open the file “pairs.txt” with handle file1
 Open the file “pairs1.txt” with handle file2
 FOR pairs = 3 to pairs = 4
WHILE (EOF of file1∣file2 is not reached)
IF (pairs = 3)
getline from file1 = ar
getline from file2 = ar
   call puts with ar puts(ar)
 FOR i = 0 to 2
 Input source and destination of NoC packet
initialize s and d Set = ar and d=ar
(4)IF s 2 THEN
   Initialize header header 0 = s−1
   header 0 = s
   IF d 2 THEN
     Initialize header header 1 = d−1
   Initialize header 1 header 1 = d
 End FOR
(5)Output header for all packets
Initialize flit and busy FOR all i = 0 to 3
  p i .flit = p i .header 0 and busy i .header i = 1
(6)FOR k = 0 to value of pairs
   IF flit = header and flit != 99 and flit != 100 THEN
  flit = 99
(7)IF graph flit header = = 1 and flit != 99 and flit != 100
   IF busy = = 1 THEN
   IF busy 2 = = 0 THEN
     Assign flit 0 = 0
     Assign busy 2 = 1
     Assign flit = 2 0
(8)IF busy 3 = 0
  Initialize flit 0 = 0
  Assign busy 3 = 1
  Assign flit 0 = 3
(9)ELSE DO                                  
  Assign flit 0 = 0
  Assign flit 0 t = header 1
  Assign flit 0 = 1
(10)ELSE IF flit 0 != 9 and flit 0 != 100 THEN
  Initialize flag = 0
   Loop FOR x = 0 to 5
   Set flag = 0
    Loop FOR x = 0 to 5
   IF flit(x) = 1 and busy(x) = 0
    Assign flit 0 = 0
    Assign flit 0 = x
     Assign flit 0 = 1
     Assign flag = 1
(11)IF flag = 0
    Assign flit 0 =100
(12)Print flit k FOR k = 0 to value of pairs
(13)Assign busy p k .flit 3 = 0
   Assign flit 3 = flit 2
   Assign busy p k .flit 3 = 1
   Assign flit 2 = flit 1
   Assign busy p k .flit 3 = 1
   Assign flit 1 = flit 0
   Assign busy p k .flit 3 = 1
(14)Loop e = 1 to pairs
    If flit(3) = 99
   increment success pairs − 1
(15)Loop z = 1 to z = pairs
   Assign success z = success z /z
  Print [success z and efficiency efficiency = (success z /total z )*100
The run time Complexity of the Algorithm: NoC_WS_REGULAR_HXN is