Research Article

Virtual Network Embedding: A Hybrid Vertex Mapping Solution for Dynamic Resource Allocation

Table 2

Solution to VNE constraints and approaches adopted by various proposals.

ReferenceABCVN requestsOMAdaptabilityMethodOpt obj

[10]ONLCentRe-optGNM/ D-Vine/R-VineSPM/MCFMAR

Where in Table 2ABC: all basic constraints data, NC: not considered, AC: admission control, OFL: offline, Dist: distributed, LF: link failures, CUR: change in user’s requirements, IM: iterative method, GNM: greedy node mapping, D-Vine: deterministic rounding based virtual network embedding algorithm, R-Vine: randomized rounding based virtual network embedding algorithm, MCF: multicommodity flow, Opt Obj: optimization objective, MQR: maximize quality and resilience, MNC: minimize network cost, MARR: maximize acceptance ratio and revenue, MAR: maximize acceptance ratio, C: considered, NCap: node capacity, ONL: online, Cent: centralized, PM: path migration, NLF: node and link failures, CNC: change in network conditions, SA: simulated annealing, SPM: shortest path mapping, TOM: type of mapping, MRU: maximize resource usage, MAT: minimize adaptation time, MOUC: minimize overlay usage cost, Re-opt: reoptimization, MMT: minimize mapping time.