Research Article

Cigarette Design Features in Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries

Table 4

Design features associated with ISO nicotine yields across all brands (a) and stratified by country income group (b).
(a) Overall

Final adjusted 𝑅 -square valueModelStandardized coefficientsSig.

0.774Vent −0.568 <0.001
Tipping −0.752 <0.001
Filter weight 0.937 <0.001
Filter length −0.447 0.059

(b) Stratified by income group

Final adjusted 𝑅 -square valueModelStandardized coefficientsSig.

Low0.860Vent −0.191 0.385
Per-cigarette weight 1.372 0.013
Filter weight −0.627 0.078

Middle0.915Vent −0.430 <0.001
Per-cigarette weight 0.200 0.033
Tipping −2.310 <0.001
Filter length 2.063 <0.001

High0.710Vent −0.637 <0.001
Per-cigarette weight 0.537 0.003
Tobacco length −0.333 0.046