Research Article

Antenatal Care Strengthening in Jimma, Ethiopia: A Mixed-Method Needs Assessment

Table 1

Background characteristics of 1364 women who had given birth within the previous 12 months in the Jimma area1.

Age, years, mean ± SD ()24.5 ± 4.7 (1357)
Place of residence
 Jimma71.6 (974)
 Serbo 6.3 (86)
 Agaro22.1 (301)
Maternal education
 No school19.9 (271)
 Primary school46.1 (628)
 Secondary or higher school34.0 (464)
Marital status
 Single 2.8 (38)
 Widow/divorced 5.1 (69)
 Cohabitating92.1 (1254)
 Para I42.0 (566)
 Para II 26.4 (355)
 Para III14.9 (201)
 Para IV+16.7 (225)
Outcome of last pregnancy
 Singletons98.0 (1336)
 Twins and triplets 2.1 (28)
ANC attendance during last pregnancy
 Yes83.1 (1132)
 No17.0 (231)
Place of delivery
 Health facility67.4 (904)
 Home32.6 (437)

All numbers are % () unless otherwise indicated. Numbers do not add up due to missing data.