Research Article

Compatibility Studies on Elastomers and Polymers with Ethanol Blended Gasoline

Table 6

Comparison of E10 versus E5 after 500 hours of immersion, by taking E5 as the reference data.

MaterialAppearanceWeight changeVolume changeHardnessTensileElongation

NeoprenePittingPitting and brittle+100%No+100%NoSample got decomposed/crumbled completely
NitrileNoNo+100%No+100%No−4 unitsNo−100% (2 MPa)NoNoNo
HNBRNoNo+100%No+100%No−13 unitsNo−62% (5 MPa)−33% (6 MPa)No−35% (70 mm)
PVC/NBRNoNoNoNoNoNo−11 unitsNo−25% (2 MPa)NoNo−35% (18 mm)

MaterialAppearanceWeight changeVolume changeImpact strengthTensileElongationFlexural

Nylon-66Significant changeNoNo+74% (26 J/m)NoNo−37% (3 MPa)

(−): decrease; (+): increase; No: no difference between E5 and E10 (within repeatability).