Research Article

Pan-African Paleostresses and Reactivation of the Eburnean Basement Complex in Southeast Ghana (West Africa)

Figure 1

Schematic geological map with the “Stable Zone” (comprising the southeastern margin of the West african craton and its cover represented by the Volta Basin) and the Pan-African “Mobile Zone” (i.e., the frontal structural units of the Pan-African Dahomeyide belt): 1 = Eburnean basement complex (WAC); 2 = Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic cover (Volta Basin); 3 = internal and external gneiss-migmatite units; 4 = kyanite bearing micaceous quartzites; 5 = basic and ultrabasic massifs of the suture zone; 6 = Atacora or Akwapim structural unit; 7 = Buem structural unit; 8 = Meso-Cenozoic cover of the Gulf of Guinea Basin; 9 = thrust contact; 10 = Kandi fault mylonitic zone; A-B = schematic section line (Figure 2).