Research Article

Cytokine Production by Peripheral Blood CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells in Atopic Childhood Asthma

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with asthma and healthy children.

AsthmaHealthy controls

Age, years, mean ± SE
Sex, n M: 27; F: 13M: 10; F: 8
Duration of asthma, years, mean ± SE
Serum total IgE, IU/ml, mean ± SE
Eosinophils, % (n, cells/μL), mean ± SE ( )
Positive skin prick test, n (%)40 (100)0
 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus37 (92.5)
 Dermatophagoides farinae38 (95)
 Grass pollens21 (53)
 Tree pollens12 (30)
 Weed pollens15 (38)
 Moulds10 (25)
 Feather4 (10)
 Cat8 (20)
 Dog2 (5)
Total SPT wheal size, mm, mean ± SE
Current inhaled steroid use, n (%)30 (75)
Lung function assessed, n (%)35 (87.5%)15 (83.3%)
FEV1% predicted
FVC% predicted
MEF25% predicted

All -values from Mann-Whitney U-test
