Research Article

Induction of Granulysin and Perforin Cytolytic Mediator Expression in 10-Week-Old Infants Vaccinated with BCG at Birth

Figure 2

Granulysin expression in CD4+ (a) and CD8+ (b) T-cells and CD56+ (c) NK cells in unstimulated (US) and PPD-stimulated mononuclear cells isolated from cord blood (CB, ) or peripheral blood from BCG-vaccinated infants (10 w, ) or healthy PPD+ adult volunteers (ND, ). Significance is shown as PPD stimulation in CB compared to 10-week-old infants and healthy adult controls, and 10-week-old infants compared to healthy adult controls. The box extends from the 25th to 75th percentile, the line represents the median, and the whiskers represent the maximum and minimum values.