Clinical Study

T Cell Reactivity against Mycolyl Transferase Antigen 85 of M. tuberculosis in HIV-TB Coinfected Subjects and in AIDS Patients Suffering from Tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections

Table 2

IFN- production of PBMC from tuberculin-positive and tuberculin-negative, HIV-negative and HIV-positive subjects.

HIV negativeHIV positive (CDC-A)
Stimulustuberculin +tuberculin –tuberculin +tuberculin –


IFN- production in day 7 culture supernatants from purified PBMC. Results are expressed as mean standard deviation (pg/mL).
*Significantly different from healthy tuberculin-negative/HIV-negative controls ( ).
**Significantly different from healthy tuberculin-negative/HIV-positive controls ( ).
°Significantly different from healthy tuberculin-positive/HIV-positive controls ( ).