Research Article

The Therapeutic Effect of Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells on Pancreatic Cancer Enhanced by Dendritic Cells Pulsed with K-Ras Mutant Peptide

Figure 3

The fascin-1 and β-actin protein expression of DCCIK CIK and K-ras-DCCIK by western blot (experiment 2.6). A, B, and C demonstrate the fascin-1 expression in DCCIK, CIK, and K-ras-DCCIK cultured for 14 days. Compared with group DCCIK and CIK, fascin-1 in K-ras-DCCIK was increasing significantly ( ). DCCIK versus CIK has statistical significance ( ). The gray values of the reference protein bands are almost equal. It was shown that β-actin can be stably expressed in the cells.