Research Article

Antiretroviral Treatment-Associated Tuberculosis in a Prospective Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients Starting ART

Table 4

Characteristics of patients with ART-associated TB.

PatientAge (years)SexCD4 countsBaseline clinical symptoms*Baseline CXR findingsTime to TB (days)TB categoryBasis of TB diagnosisBasis of TB- IRIS diagnosisOutcomes
Baseline (cell/μL)TB (cell/μL)

Patient 153F156148weight lossPossible TB345TB pleuracytologyNAImproved
Patient 227F155weight loss, anorexiaNormal79Disseminated TBabnormal CXR culture +ve2,4,5,6Improved
Patient 331F9068cough, fever, weight loss, anorexiaNormal14PTBculture +veNAImproved
Patient 437M123no symptomsNormal24PTBculture +veNALost contact
Patient 542M11695cough, weight loss, anorexiaPossible TB54PTBculture +veNADied
Patient 645F2128weight lossNormal17PTBAFB+2,5,6,7Improved
Patient 728F2418no symptomsNormal20TB adenitisFNA AFB+1,5,6Lost contact
Patient 843F206313no symptomsNormal100PTBabnormal CXRNAImproved

Abbreviations: M: Male; F: Female; TB: tuberculosis; CXR: chest X-ray; PTB: pulmonary tuberculosis; AFB+: acid fast bacilli positive; AFB−: acid fast bacilli negative; IRIS: immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.
*included clinical symptoms of greater than two weeks.
criteria for TB-IRIS (new or worsening): 1: adenopathy; 2: CXR abnormalities; 3: central nervous system features of TB; 4: serositis; 5: constitutional symptoms (fever, night sweats, weight loss); 6: respiratory symptoms (cough, dyspnea, stridor); 7: abdominal pain with peritonitis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or adenopathy; NA: not applicable.