Research Article

Antiretroviral Treatment-Associated Tuberculosis in a Prospective Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients Starting ART

Table 5

Cox proportional hazards for baseline predictors of ART-associated TB in HIV-infected patients commencing ART.

Baseline characteristicsUnadjusted HR (95% CI) -valueAdjusted† HR (95% CI) -value

Age (years)
401.42 (0.26–7.77).6871.27 (0.21–7.80).798
 30–390.43 (0.06–3.05).3970.35 (0.05–2.64).308
 Females1.19 (0.24–5.88).8351.87 (0.34–10.21).468
Tuberculin skin test (TST)
 positive0.78 (0.16–3.88).764
C-reactive protein (mg/L)
 ≥58.23 (1.66–40.82).0107.23 (1.36–38.33).020
Haemoglobin (g/dL)
 <12.56.66 (0.82–54.16).0762.31 (0.23–23.43).477
CD4 cell counts (cells/μL)
 <503.04 (0.72–12.74).1292.22 (0.49–10.16).304
Body mass index (kg/m2)
 <18.57.71 (1.92–30.89).0045.85 (1.24–27.46).025
WHO clinical stage
 3 and 44.68 (0.94–23.23).0651.82 (0.33–10.18).495
 1 and 211

†adjusted for age, sex, baseline C-reactive protein result, baseline haemoglobin, baseline CD4 counts, body mass index, and WHO clinical stage.
Abbreviations: ART: antiretroviral therapy; TB: tuberculosis; HR: hazard ratio.