Research Article

Clinical Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Differ in Their Ability to Induce Respiratory Burst and Apoptosis in Neutrophils as a Possible Mechanism of Immune Escape

Figure 2

PMN apoptosis induced by different Mtb strains. PMNs (3 × 106/mL) were cultured in media alone (control, —) or stimulated with Mtb strains (H37Rv, LAM, Ra, H, and M) at 1 : 2 Mtb : PMN ratio and parameters of apoptosis were evaluated by flow cytometric analysis. (a) Expression of Annexin V-FITC (AV-FITC) on PMN cultured for 18 h. Results are expressed as media ± SEM of percentage of positive cells ( ). Control (—) versus LAM, Ra, and H: ; H37Rv: ; LAM and Ra versus other strains: . (b) Intracellular expression of activated cytoplasmic protein caspase-3 in PMN after 5 h culture with or without Mtb stimulation. Results are expressed as media ± SEM of MFI. Control (—) versus LAM and Ra: ; H37Rv: ; H ; LAM and Ra versus other strains: . (c) The percentage of fresh (0 h) and 16 h cultured cells expressing FcRIIIb (CD16) was measured. 0 h versus control: ; control vesrus Mtb strains: .