Research Article

Distinct Characteristics in Japanese Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Review of All 91 Japanese Patients over the Last 35 Years

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of 91 patients.

or age/ of data available

Age at the initial visit, mean ± SD (range), years (1–87)
  Male (1–87)
  Female3 (18–72)
Age at onset, mean ± SD (range), years (1–87)
  Male (1–87)
  Female (14–72)
Site of lesion
  Elbow (39.3%)
  Knee (34.5%)
  Buttock (35.7%)
  Elbow and/or knee and/or buttock (44.0%)
  Face (13.1%)
  Ear (10.7%)
  Neck (9.5%)
  Scalp (7.1%)
  Groin (4.8%)
  At least one predilection site (58.3%)
  Extremities* (48.8%)
  Trunk** (65.5%)
  Whole body*** (7.1%)
IgA deposition in the papillary dermis
  Granular (54.9%)
  Fibrillar (36.3%)
  Granular and fibrillar (7.7%)
  Cluster (1.1%)
Other deposition in the papillary dermis
  C3 (22.0%)
  IgG (9.9%)
  IgM (4.4%)
  Fibrinogen (2.2%)
GSE (3.3%)
Jejunum mucosa biopsy
  Villous atrophy**** (50.0%)
  No change***** (50.0%)
Associated diseases
  Diabetes mellitus (8.8%)
  Lymphoma (3.3%)
  Thyroid disease (1.1%)
  Sjögren syndrome (1.1%)
HLA antigen§
  DR4 (41.9%)#
  DR9 (48.4%)##
Other antibodies
  Antireticulin antibodies (0.0%)
  Antigliadin antibodies (0.0%)
  Antiendomysial antibodies (0.0%)
  Anti-tTG IgA antibodies (0.0%)
  Anti-eTG IgA antibodies (100.0%)
  Dapsone (75.6%)
  Dapsone + gluten-free diet (8.5%)
  Gluten-free diet + topical steroid (1.2%)
  Topical steroid (11.0%)
  Others (3.7%)

*Not including cases limited only to elbow or knee; **not including cases limited only to buttock, neck, or groin; ***not including cases limited to combination of predilection sites; ****including 1 patient with GSE; *****no patients had GSE; GSE: gluten-sensitive enteropathy; tTG: tissue transglutaminase, eTG: epidermal transglutaminase; including minocycline and topical steroid, salazosulfapyridine, and zinc oxide ointment; §frequency in HLA antigens of control was depicted from [90]. # , ## , corrected .