Review Article

Characteristics of Suppressor Macrophages Induced by Mycobacterial and Protozoal Infections in relation to Alternatively Activated M2 Macrophages

Table 1

Functional profiles of M1, M2, and suppressor macrophagesa.

Expression ofDegree of expression or production
M1 MΦsbM2 MΦsSuppressor MΦsc

TNF-α++− (M2b+)d+
IL-1++− (M2b+)d
IL-1ra+++ (M2a, M2c)e
IL-6++− (M2b+)d++
Type I IFN++
TGF-β+ (M2c)
CCL1++ (M2b)
CCL2, 5, 15, 19++++ (M2a)
CXCL9, 10, 11,16++++
CCL13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24+++ (M2a)
IL-2Rα+++ (M2a)
IL-15Rα+++ (M2a)
Scavenger receptor+ (M2c)
Mannose receptor++++ (M2a, M2c)
TLR2, TLR4+++
TLR5+++ (M2a)
CD14+++ (M2c)
CCR2+++ (M2c)
CXCR4+++ (M2a)
MHC-II+− (M2b+)d
CD86 (B7.2)+− (M2b+)d
Fizz1b++ (M2a)
Ym1b++ (M2a)
Galectin-3+++ (M2a, M2c)
iNOS++− (M2b++)d+
Arginase 1++ (M2a, M2c)
COX-1b+++ (M2a)
COX-2b++− (M2a)
RNI++− (M2b+)d++
ROI++− (M2b+)d++
Polyamine++ (M2a, M2c)

aPrevious findings described in the following papers are summarized: in References [18, 20, 21, 27, 29, 3638].
bAbbreviations: MΦs, macrophages; FcR, Fc receptor; Fizz1, found in inflammatory zone 1; Ym1, M2-associated chitinase-like protein; IPD, indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3 dioxygenase; COX, cyclooxygenase.
cFindings on suppressor macrophages induced by mycobacteriosis and protozoiasis are indicated. In cases of these macrophages, profiles of cytokine, chemokine, receptor, and enzyme expression other than those indicated in this table have not yet been studied, as far as we know.
dExceptionally positive in the case of M2b macrophages.
e Positive or negative, especially in the cases of indicated macrophage populations.