Research Article

Involvement of Stat1 in the Phagocytosis of M. avium

Table 1

We correlate the Stat1/p-tyr701Stat1 densitometric value with the entity of internalized material in the presence or absence of Fc mAb IV.3 as FcγR inhibitor. Stat1 and p-tyr701Stat1 levels were normalized to the amount of actin and expressed as percentage of control value which was placed as 100%. The results are the mean of five different experiments. The control (CTR) for proteins’ expression levels were represented by untreated macrophages. The correlation between internalization of FcγR and Stat1/p-tyr Stat1 pathway activity was determined at 24 hours after phagocytosis.

Stat 1 (percent versus CTR)p-tyr701Stat1 (percent versus CTR)Number bacteria/cell

M. avium (AB)200 ± 13.0247 ± 12.012.2 ± 3.3
M. avium (AB) + Fc mAb IV.3100 ± 12.4113 ± 9.011.3 ± 2.2
(95% versus serum AB)
HK M. avium (AB)148 ± 7.2658 ± 29.313.2 ± 3.5
HK M. avium (AB) + Fc mAb IV.3112 ± 11.0116 ± 5.05.0 ± 2.0
(35% versus serum AB)

*CTR (100%): human macrophages not exposed.