Clinical Study

Assessment of T Regulatory Cells and Expanded Profiling of Autoantibodies May Offer Novel Biomarkers for the Clinical Management of Systemic Sclerosis and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease

Table 2

Frequency of anti-nuclear antibodies and fluoroscopic patterns.

Anti-nuclear antibodies Diagnosis
(ANA) lcSSc (14)dcSSc (11)UCTD (23)

P/N 14 (100%)8 (73%)20 (87%)
1 : 5120
(1 : 640–1 : 5120)
1 : 5120
(1 : 80–1 : 5120)
1 : 320
(1 : 80–1 : 1280)
Centromere 11 (78.6 ) 1 (12.5%) 0<0.0001
Nucleolar 3 (21.4%) 0 5 (25.0%) n.s.
Homogeneous and nucleolar 06 (75.0 ) 0 <0.0001
Speckled 0015 (75.0 ) <0.0001
Mitotic Spindle 01 (12.5%)0n.s.