Research Article

Altered Sympathetic-to-Immune Cell Signaling via β2-Adrenergic Receptors in Adjuvant Arthritis

Figure 1

Mean hind limb dorsoplantar widths (a) and radiographic scores (b) for rats treated with CFA, SMB, MO, or Saline. (a) A significant increase in mean dorsoplantar widths, indicative of soft tissue swelling, was observed in CFA (O)-challenged rats compared with groups treated with SMB (Δ), MO (□) or Saline (◊) between D12–28 after CFA immunization. No differences were observed in dorsoplantar widths between SMB-, MO- or Saline-treated rats. Values represent the mean dorsoplantar width in millimeters (mm) ± SEM with an of 8 rats per treatment group. Statistics: repeated measures two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (*** ). (b) Rats treated with CFA had significantly higher radiographic scores compared with rats treated with SMB, MO, or Saline on D28 post-immunization. No differences were observed in radiographic scores between SMB-, MO- or Saline-treated rats. Data are expressed as the mean radiographic score ± SEM with an of 8 rats per treatment group. Statistics: Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by Dunn post hoc testing (** ; *** ).