Review Article

JC Polyomavirus (JCV) and Monoclonal Antibodies: Friends or Potential Foes?

Table 1

Nonstructural and structural viral protein.

Protein Molecular weight No. of amino acidsFunction

Early protein (transcribed counterclockwise from NCCR)
Large T antigen79,305688Nonstructural protein. role in viral replication and transcription, interaction with host protein and probably in cancerogenesis
Small t antigen20,236172Viral replication
Splice variants called ,   ,  and Viral DNA and cancerogenesis

Late protein (transcribed clockwise from NCCR)
VP139,606354Major capsid protein, role in cellular binding and entry functions, and interaction with host receptors; it mediates hemagglutination
VP237,366344Minor capsid protein, assumed role on escape from membranous structures and nuclear import
VP325,743225Minor capsid protein assumed role on escape from membranous structures and nuclear import
Agnoprotein8,08171The smaller protein that facilities capsid assembly. It is proposed as a viroporin