Clinical Study

Influence of Anti-TNF and Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs Therapy on Pulmonary Forced Vital Capacity Associated to Ankylosing Spondylitis: A 2-Year Follow-Up Observational Study

Figure 2

Changes in FVC% during 24 months of the study by treatment group. Modification of FVC (% of predicted value) from baseline to 2 years in the DMARDs () and anti-TNF + DMARDS group (). Gray circle is DMARDs group, and black square is anti-TNF + DMARDs group. Values are represented as mean and standard error of the mean.Comparison in means of each evaluation versus baseline using paired Student -test (). ΔComparison of the absolute change at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months between groups using unpaired Student -test. Two-factor ANOVA Friedman test .